Fire dancers and pioneer dresses, OH MY!

Katie Roller, Director of Marketing & PR - Wagner Vineyards and Wagner Valley Brewing Co. @ktlroller

First memory of campfire cookery?

Roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over a bonfire in my backyard of the house we grew up in. I was very lucky to grow up with a forest as my backyard.

Favorite memory around a bonfire?

Watching fire dancers dance around a beach bonfire in Montañita, Ecuador when I was a translator in South America after college.

Worst experience in the outdoors?

When I was in high school, I did a 3-day pioneer trek with a church group.  The overall experience wasn't bad, but we had to wear long, multi-layered pioneer dresses in the summer heat and every day our lunch was beef jerky. To this day I cannot eat Slim Jims.

Can't wait to...

experience the Catskills, make new friends, and discover fun, new pairings with open-fire recipes. Really excited about the goat! :)


Paul Alward has a killer recipe for may include ash and dirt.


'Tis the Season for Tomatoes