Cliche or not, dancing embers still mesmerize Mr. Dana Koteen.
"The town I went to high school in had two main schools: North and South. There was a third, smaller school that I would graduate from called The Village School, the motto of which was 'The road to success doesn't just go North and South.' I have almost always taken the road less traveled."
In 2013, Dana would again take the road less traveled to begin shaping Restaurant Reason into the industry standard for training in restaurants. He joins the bon*fire team with intense passion for hospitality, a deep love of food, a passion, and a history of spending summers barefoot in the hills of Vermont to a soundtrack of 70s folk music, reggae and the smacking sound of hacky sacks.
First memory of campfire cookery...
was a three day overnight I went on at summer camp. I was 9 or 10 and the hikes were usually one day, one night, or two nights - the latter really being for experienced or ambitious campers. I don't really remember what we ate, but I remember setting up the fire and then making sure to "leave the campsite as we found it" when we were done.
My favorite memory about a bonfire
...besides the inaugural event last summer at Satur Farms, was also at summer camp. I'm not sure if I was really little or the fire was really that big, but it felt like the logs were ten feet tall!! It was so bright against the night sky, and the warmth coming off of it was incredible. Maybe it's cliche, but I remember watching the little fly-aways float up into the air and being totally mesmerized.
The worst experience in the outdoors
...was that same three day overnight camping trip. It rained and I was soaked, we got lost, I was hungry and tired, and I'm pretty sure I cried. I remember one moment, boots soaked through and standing in mud, just crying. So embarrassing!